Annual Index 1999: Vol. 13
- p.223
Adapt or die - Vicky Cosstick
- p.442
All time belongs to him - editorial
- p.303
'And you shall teach them to your children' - Rabbi Sybil Sheridan
- p.190
Are there any poor in your parish? - Carol & David Cross
- p.241
The beautiful in liturgy - M. Francis Mannion
- p.364
Biotechnology, ecology and wisdom - Celia E. Deane-Drummond
- p.383
Can a scientist be objective about her faith? - Mary Douglas
- p.359
Can we have faith in the universe - Russell Stannard
- p.427
Can we use the Alpha course in a Catholic parish? - Tom Kelly
- p.116
The chalice: why bother? - Philip Dixon
- p.373
The challenge of evolution - Geoff Turnock
- p.231
Come and see - Alan Griffiths
- p.54
Communion or chaos - Donna Orsuto
- p.218
Continuity and change in the parish - Michael P. Hornsby-Smith
- p.288
Culture, history and the parish - Judith F. Champ
- p.8
Do Catholics have freedom of conscience? - Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
- p.186
Do our efforts make any difference? - Patricia Pak Roy RSM
- p.148
Education for a Catholic identity - Philip T. Summer
- p.266
Fire in the soul - Paul Murray OP
- p.133
'For my shield this day a mighty power' - Robert P. Imbelli
- p.128
A God worth believing in - editorial
- p.334
Good nuns laughing - Libby Purves
- p.406
Hidden vices - Vivian Boland OP
- p.417
How can the communion of saints help? - Christine M. Fletcher
- p.101
How can the parish help? - Christine M. Fletcher
- p.324
How can we hand on the faith? - Anne White
- p.212
How do we get there from here? - editorial
- p.194
In the Catholic tradition St Philip Neri: the Roman reformer - Jerome Bertram
- p.422
In the Catholic tradition: Charles de Foucauld - Philip A. Smyth
- p.277
In the Jewish-Catholic tradition: Edith Stein - Pamela Hayes RSCJ
- p.378
The internet, society and the Church - Peter Hunter OP
- p.154
Is God kind to animals? - Margaret Atkins
- p.171
An issue of equality - Ched Myers
- p.308
Jesus as teacher - John O'Neil
- p.260
Jesus, Wisdom and our world - Elizabeth A. Johnson
- p.313
The joy of study - Margaret Atkins
- p.458
Liturgy for the third millennium - M. Francis Mannion
- p.213
Looking into the future: a bishop's view - Crispian Hollis
- p.400
Making God attractive - editorial
- p.443
Making sense of God-made-man - John McDade SJ
- p.24
Mary: true devotion or superstition? - Tony Philpot
- p.448
Mary: virgin and mother - Tina Beattie
- p.255
Nationalism, genocide and justice - Adrian Hastings
- p.35
New Testament Chronicle - Henry Wansbrough OSB
- p.296
No higher vocation - editorial
- p.81
Old Testament Chronicle - Bernard Robinson
- p.236
Parish 2010: an exciting challenge - Brian O'Sullivan
- p.153
The perfect priest - Anon
- p.318
The philosophy the Pope teaches - Fergus Kerr OP
- p.129
Prayer in the Trinity - Ruth Burrows
- p.386
Praying the rosary - Timothy Radcliffe OP
- p.2
Produce fruit worthy of repentance - editorial
- p.112
The question 'Why?' can lead us to God - Elizabeth Greeley
- p.181
The real world of poverty - Duncan MacLaren
- p.106
Redeeming the sufferings of war - James O'Connell
- p.14
Repentance and Christian unity - John A. Radano
- p.176
The rich you will always have with you - Paul Vallely
- p.45
A Roman window on the lay movements - Rosemary Goldie
- p.464
The 'Second Spring' revisited - Christopher Lightbound
- p.91
Sharing Christ's pain - Frances Teresa OSC
- p.170
Sharing God's wealth - editorial
- p.71
Sion Catholic Community - Michelle Moran
- p.86
Suffering that can redeem - editorial
- p.87
Suffering, sin and scripture - Luke Timothy Johnson
- p.44
Super Catholics in the parish? - editorial
- p.297
Teaching a life-giving theology - Thomas Groome
- p.412
Teaching the virtues in school and parish - Paul Grogan
- p.254
A thinking Church - editorial
- p.27
This is my beloved son - Judy Gunthorpe
- p.340
Towards a more humane education - Maru Vigo
- p.138
The Trinity and the liturgy - Owen Cummings
- p.63
Variety of gifts
a diversity of movements, A - Kathie Walsh
- p.3
What about the Inquisition? - Eamon Duffy
- p.453
What difference has Christ made? - Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
- p.401
What is virtue ethics? - James F. Keenan SJ
- p.227
What kind of parish priest? - Jim O'Keefe
- p.143
What makes for a Holy Trinity parish - Michael Evans
- p.369
When science becomes a superstition - Brian Appleyard
- p.469
Where is the new mission of the Church? - Raymond Hickey OSA
- p.358
Where is wisdom to be found? - editorial
- p.94
Where is your God? - Richard J. Hauser SJ
- p.272
Where shall we find rest? - David McLaurin
- p.68
Who may preach? - W. Beckett Soule OP
- p.329
The 'wisdom' of Catholic education - Mary Jo Martin RSHM
- p.50
A witness in St Peter's Square - Charles Whitehead
- p.19
A woman's letter to the Pope - Tina Beattie
- p.369
Appleyard, Bryan:
When science becomes a superstition
- p.484
Atkins, Margaret:
(book review)
- p.154
Is God kind to animals?
- p.313
The joy of study
- p.244
Preaching and teaching the word (July)
- p.448
Beattie, Tina:
Mary: virgin and mother
- p.19
A woman's letter to the Pope
- p.397
Beckett, Lucy:
Postscript: Christians and Jews
- p.126
Postscript: Heroes and saints
- p.194
Bertram, Jerome:
In the Catholic tradition St Philip Neri: the Roman Reformer
- p.406
Boland, Vivian OP:
Hidden vices
- p.123
Burrows, Ruth:
(book reviews)
- p.129
Prayer in the Trinity
- p.288
Champ, Judith F.:
Culture, history and the parish
- p.342
Cornwell, Peter:
Preaching and teaching the word (September/October)
- p.223
Cosstick, Vicky:
Adapt or die
- p.42
Postscript: Exploring change
- p.294
Postscript: Three wise men
- p.190
Cross, Carol & David:
Are there any poor in your parish?
- p.138
Cummings, Owen:
The Trinity and the liturgy
- p.364
Deane-Drummond, Celia E.:
Biotechnology, ecology and wisdom
- p.397
DeBertodano, Teresa:
(book review)
- p.116
Dixon, Philip:
The chalice: why bother?
- p.383
Douglas, Mary:
Can a scientist be objective about her faith?
- p.3
Duffy, Eamon:
What about the Inquisition?
- p.168
Postscript: Bishops united
- p.440
Postscript: Thoughts on supermen
- p.164
Egan, Philip:
(book review)
- p.143
Evans, Michael:
What makes for a Holy Trinity parish
- p.435
Farrell, Valentine:
Pastoralia: The peace that passeth
- p.8
Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe:
Do Catholics have freedom of conscience?
- p.453
What difference has Christ made?
- p.292
Fletcher, Christine M.:
(book review)
- p.417
How can the communion of saints help?
- p.101
How can the parish help?
- p.44
Super Catholics in the parish? (editorial)
- p.395
Fraser, Margaret:
Pastoralia: A university chaplaincy in your parish: friend or foe?
- p.117
Geraghty, Denis OP:
Preaching and teaching the word (April)
- p.349
Gibbons, Judy:
Pastoralia: Organising Taize evening prayer
- p.45
Goldie, Rosemary:
A Roman window on the lay movements
- p.112
Greeley, Elizabeth:
The question 'Why?' can lead us to God
- p.356
Green, Brian:
Postscript: People need priests
- p.84
Postscript: Screwtape revisited
- p.231
Griffiths, Alan:
'Come and see'
- p.412
Grogan, Paul:
Teaching the virtues in school and parish
- p.297
Groome, Thomas:
Teaching a life-giving theology
- p.27
Gunthorpe, Judy:
This my beloved son
- p.486
Harbert, Bruce:
Postscript: Basil and Diana
- p.255
Hastings, Adrian:
Nationalism, genocide and justice
- p.94
Hauser, Richard J. SJ:
Where is your God?
- p.277
Hayes, Pamela RSCJ:
In the Jewish-Catholic tradition: Edith Stein
- p.469
Hickey, Raymond OSA:
Where is the new mission of the Church?
- p.251
Hill, Edmund OP:
(book review)
- p.353
(book review)
- p.354
Hocken, Peter:
(book review)
- p.213
Hollis, Crispian:
Looking into the future: a bishop's view
- p.218
Hornsby-Smith, Michael P.:
Continuity and change in the parish
- p.378
Hunter, Peter OP:
The internet, society and the Church
- p.199
Hypher, Bernard:
Pastoralia: A parish handbook
- p.133
Imbelli, Robert P.:
'For my shield this day a mighty power'
- p.260
Johnson, Elizabeth A.:
Jesus, Wisdom and our World
- p.87
Johnson, Luke Timothy:
Suffering, sin and scripture
- p.352
Jones, Deborah:
(book review)
- p.474
Pastoralia: A year of Jubilees
- p.401
Keenan, James F. SJ:
What is virtue ethics?
- p.427
Kelly, Tom:
Can we use the Alpha course in a Catholic parish?
- p.481
Kennedy, Philip:
(book review)
- p.318
Kerr, Fergus OP:
The philosophy the Pope teaches
- p.165
Lash, Nicholas:
(book review)
- p.439
LeFanu, James:
(book review)
- p.464
Lightbound, Christopher:
The 'Second Spring' revisited
- p.437
Lysaght, Gary:
(book review)
- p.159
Preaching and teaching the word (May)
- p.241
Mannion, M. Francis:
The beautiful in liturgy
- p.458
Liturgy for the third millennium
- p.476
Markus, Gilbert OP:
Preaching and teaching the word (January)
- p.329
Martin, Mary Jo RSHM:
The 'wisdom' of Catholic education
- p.443
McDade, John SJ:
Making sense of God-made-man
- p.351
McHugh, Frank P.:
(book review)
- p.282
McKevitt, Kevin:
Preaching and teaching the word (August)
- p.272
McLaurin, David:
Where shall we find rest?
- p.293
McLoughlin, David:
(book review)
- p.71
Moran, Michelle:
Sion Catholic Community
- p.483
Mottram, Tony:
(book review)
- p.266
Murray, Paul OP:
Fire in the soul
- p.171
Myers, Ched:
An issue of equality
- p.106
O'Connell, James:
Redeeming the sufferings of war
- p.227
O'Keefe, Jim:
What kind of parish priest?
- p.308
O'Neill, John:
Jesus as teacher
- p.236
O'Sullivan, Brian:
Parish 2010: an exciting challenge
- p.291
Ombres, Robert OP:
(book review)
- p.54
Orsuto, Donna:
Communion or chaos
- p.124
Philpot, Tony:
(book review)
- p.250
(book review)
- p.212
How do we get there from there? (editorial)
- p.24
Mary: true devotion or superstition?
- p.203
Preaching and teaching the word (June)
- p.334
Purves, Libby:
Good nuns laughing
- p.14
Radano, John A.:
Repentence and Christian unity
- p.386
Radcliffe, Timothy OP:
Praying the rosary
- p.474
Read, Rosemary:
Pastoralia: a year of Jubliees
- p.431
Richards, Hubert:
Preaching and teaching the word (December)
- p.165
Rist, John:
(book review)
- p.249
(book review)
- p.81
Robinson, Bernard:
Old Testament Chronicle
- p.40
Robson, Michael OFMConv:
(book review)
- p.186
Roy, Patricia Pak RSM:
Do our efforts make any difference
- p.128
Sanders, David OP:
A God worth believing in (editorial)
- p.254
A thinking Church (editorial)
- p.442
All time belongs to time (editorial)
- p.400
Making God attractive (editorial)
- p.296
No higher vocation (editorial)
- p.2
'Produce fruit worthy of repentence' (editorial)
- p.170
Sharing God's wealth (editorial)
- p.86
Suffering that can redeem (editorial)
- p.358
Where is wisdom to be found? (editorial)
- p.125
Sharp, John:
(book review)
- p.303
Sheridan, Rabbi Sybil:
'And you shall teach them to your children'
- p.208
Silf, Margaret:
(book reviews)
- p.251
Simmonds, Gemma IBVM:
Postscript: Minding our language
- p.74
Preaching and teaching the word (March)
- p.422
Smyth, Philip A.:
In the Catholic tradition: Charles de Foucuald
- p.68
Soule, W. Beckett OP:
Who may preach?
- p.359
Stannard Russell:
Can we have faith in the universe
- p.148
Summer, Philip T.:
Education for a Catholic identity
- p.29
Swanson, Ted:
Preaching and teaching the word (February)
- p.91
Teresa, Frances OSC:
Sharing Christ's pain`
- p.482
Turner, Geoffrey:
(book review)
- p.373
Turnock, Geoff:
The challenge of evolution
- p.391
Udris, John:
Preaching and teaching the word (November)
- p.176
Vallely, Paul:
The rich you will always have with you
- p.340
Vigo, Maru:
Towards a more humane education
- p.63
Walsh, Kathie:
A variety of gifts
a diversity of movements
- p.35
Wansborough, Henry OSB:
New Testament chronicle
- p.287
Webster, Martin:
Pastoralia: Another way to the mountain-top
- p.324
White, Anne:
How can we hand on the faith?
- p.50
Whitehead, Charles:
A witness in St Peter's Square
Book reviews
- p.123
A Carthusian: - Interior Prayer - (Ruth Burrows)
- p.123
They speak by silences - Ruth Burrows
- p.123
Where silence is Praise - Ruth Burrows
- p.36
Barton, John ed.: - The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation - (Henry Wansborough OSB)
- p.80
Barton, John: - Ethics and the Old Testament - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.81
Berrigan, D.: - Daniel: Under the Siege of the Divine - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.354
Blue, Lionel: - My Affair with Christianity - (Peter Hocken)
- p.165
Boulding, Maria OSB: - The Confessions of St Augustine - (John Rist)
- p.165
Boyle, Nicholas: - Who are We Now? Christian humanism and the global market from Hegel to Heaney - (Nicholas Lash)
- p.35
Brown, Raymond E.: - An Introduction to the New Testament - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.249
Buttiglione, Rocco: - Karol Wojtyla: the thought of the man who became Pope John Paul II - (John Rist)
- p.351
Charles, R.: - Christian Social Witness and Teaching - (Frank P. McHugh)
- p.485
Collins, Michael and Price, Matthew: - The Story of Christianity: 2,000 years of faith - (In brief)
- p.485
de Dreuille, Mayeul: - Seeking the Absolute Love: the founders of Christian monasticism - (In brief)
- p.39
Dunn, James D.G.: - The Theology of Paul of Apostle - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.40
Dunstan, Peta: - The Poor Sort: A history of the European Province of the Society of St Francis - (Michael Robson OFMConv)
- p.82
Easton, John: - Mysterious Messengers. A course on Hebrew prophecy from Amos onwards - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.36
Gillingham, S.E.: - One Bible, Many Voices - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.82
Gitay, Y. ed.: - Prophesy and Prophets: the diversity of contempory issues in scholarship - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.125
Grey, Mary C.: - Prophecy and Mysticism: the heart of the postmodern Church - (John Sharp)
- p.125
Grey, Mary C.: - Beyond the Dark Night: a way forward for the Church - (John Sharp)
- p.83
Griffin, W.P.: - The God of the Prophets: an analysis of divine action - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.481
Haight, Roger: - Jesus Symbol of God - (Philip Kennedy)
- p.164
Henry, Martin: - On Not Understanding God - (Philip Egan)
- p.437
Hoose, Benard, ed.: - Christian Ethics. An Introduction - (Gary Lysaght)
- p.485
Hume, Cardinal Basil: - The Mystery of the Incarnation - (In brief)
- p.292
Johnson, Elizabeth A.: - Friends of God and Prophets: A feminist theological reading of the communion of saints - (Christine M. Fletcher)
- p.439
Kearon, Kenneth: - Medical Ethics: an introduction - (James Le Fanu)
- p.482
Kuitert, H.M.: - Jesus: the legacy of Christianity - (Geoffrey Turner)
- p.293
Lash, Nicholas: - The Beginning and the End of 'Religion' - (David McLoughlin)
- p.123
Lockhart, Robin Bruce ed.: - Listening to Silence, an anthology of Carthusian writings - (Ruth Burrows)
- p.39
Lundemann, Gerd: - Virgin Birth? The real story of Mary and her son Jesus - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.251
MacEoin, Gary: - The Papacy and the People of God - (Edmund Hill OP)
- p.80
Mason, Rex: - Propaganda and Subversion in the Old Testament - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.251
McInery, Ralph: - What Went Wrong with Vatican II: the Catholic crisis explained - (Edmund Hill OP)
- p.354
Montefiore, Hugh: - On Being a Jewish Christian - (Peter Hocken)
- p.40
Murphy O'Connor, Jerome: - Paul, a critical life - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.483
National Board of Catholic Women: - Journey to the Millennium - (Tony Mottram)
- p.208
Nouwen, Henri J.M.: - Sabbatical Journey - (Margaret Silf)
- p.208
Bread for the Journey - Margaret Silf
- p.208
God's Beloved - Margaret Silf
- p.208
The Road to Daybreak - Margaret Silf
- p.81
Prevost, Jean-Pierre: - A Short Dictionary of the Psalms - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.397
Purves, Libby: - Holy Smoke. Religion and Roots: a personal memoir - (Teresa deBertodano)
- p.352
Ruether, Rosemary Radford: - Women and Redemption: a theological history - (Deborah Jones)
- p.250
Schreiter, Robert CPPS: - Ministry of Reconciliation: Spirituality and strategies - (Tony Philpot)
- p.485
Scott, David: - An Anglo-Saxon Passion - (In brief)
- p.124
Sheldrake, Philip: - Spirituality and Theology - (Tony Philpot)
- p.353
Stourton, Edward: - Absolute Truth: the Catholic Church in the word today - (Edmund Hill OP)
- p.38
Taylor, Joan: - John the Baptist within the Second Temple - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.485
Torkington, David: - Dear Susannah, it's time for a Christian renaissance - (In brief)
- p.37
Tuckett, Christopher: - Luke - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.484
Vallely, Paul (ed.): - The New Politics: Catholic Social Teaching for the twenty-first century - (Margaret Atkins)
- p.81
van Wolde, Ellen: - Ruth and Naomi - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.40
Various: - The People's Bible Commentary - (Henry Wansbrough OSB)
- p.81
Wansbrough, Henry: - Genesis (The People's Bible Commentary) - (Bernard Robinson)
- p.291
Woestman, William H. OMI: - The Sacrament of Orders and the Clerical State: a commentary on the Code of Canon Law - (Robert Ombres OP)
- p.437
- p.287
Another way to the mountain-top - Martin Webster
- p.349
Organising Taize evening prayer - Judy Gibbons
- p.199
A parish handbook - Bernard Hypher
- p.435
The peace that passeth - Valentine Farrell
- p.395
A university chaplaincy in your parish: friend or foe?
- p.474
A year of Jubilees - Deborah Jones & Rosemary Read
- p.486
Basil and Diana - Bruce Harbert
- p.168
Bishops united - Eamon Duffy
- p.397
Christians and Jews - Lucy Beckett
- p.42
Exploring change - Vicky Cosstick
- p.126
Heroes and saints - Lucy Beckett
- p.251
Minding our language - Gemma Simmonds IBVM
- p.356
People need priests - Brian Green
- p.84
Screwtape revisited - Brian Green
- p.440
Thoughts on supermen - Eamon Duffy
- p.294
Three wise men - Vicky Cosstick
- p.29
February: (Ted Swanson)
- p.74
March: (Gemma Simmonds IBVM)
- p.117
April: Denis Geraghty OP)
- p.159
May: (Gary Lysaght)
- p.203
June: (Tony Philpot)
- p.244
July: (Margaret Atkins)
- p.282
August: (Kevin McKevitt)
- p.342
September: (Peter Cornwell)
- p.345
October: (Peter Cornwell)
- p.391
November: (John Udris)
- p.431
December: (Hubert Richards)
- p.476
January: (Gilbert Markus OP)
- p.426