Back issues of Priests & People are available for sale at £2.80 per copy in the UK, £3.00 in Europe and £3.65 for all other overseas orders. Prices include postage and packing.
Where are we going now? January, 2001
This issue deals with ecumenism; the difficulties we still have to face and the progress we have already made.
Coming to God through the arts December, 2000
We show how music, poetry, painting, icons can deepen and enrich our faith.
Why Hope? November, 2000
If Christians are to give an account of the hope that is within them then they need the support of their Church. In this issue of Priests & People we suggest some of the ways this help might be given.
The Restoration of the Hierarchy October, 2000
Hierarchy today needs collegiality if it is to perform effectively its main task in our secular society.
Men in the Church August/September 2000
Articles include 'The Vatican: it's still a man's world', 'Men behaving badly?' and 'Men ministering to men'.
Open issue July 2000
Includes a study of Cardinal Basil Hume, Recovering the historical Jesus, In praise of friendship and Teaching adults in the parish.
The importance of Devotions June 2000
Many of the traditional Catholic devotions have plenty of life in them and they need to be complemented by new devotions which will satisfy more contemporary needs.
'When did I see you a stranger? May 2000
Examines the world-wide problem of refugees with the help of a group of international writers. A guide not only to the legal situation but also for those who want to respond to Christ's command to care for the lost.
Resurrection and Renewal April 2000
Genuine renewal can only come as it did in the early Church through the power of the Resurrection. This issue offers articles which deepen our understanding of the Resurrection and draw out its pastoral implications.
Celebrating Lent March 2000
In this issue of Priests & People we offer some of the Church's rich resources, liturgical, biblical, sacramental, pastoral and artistic which should allow for a fuller celebration of Lent.
Tending God's creation February 2000
Environmental and ecological issues are discussed in the light of Christian vocation.
An apologia for Catholicism January 2000
Following the January issue; Christian Unity: what should we apologise for? where such topics as the Inquisition and treatment of women were examined, this issue offers an apologia for Catholicism and looks instead at the reasons we are proud to celebrate our faith.
AD 2000: Celebrating Jesus Christ December 1999
This issue provides material to deepen our understanding of Christ's coming to us in time 2000 years ago and its implications for the next millennium.
Virtues and vices in your life November 1999
This issue looks at the merits of a virtue ethics and shows how several of the pastoral problems facing the Church can be more readily tackled with the preaching and the teaching of the virtues.
Science - a help to faith? October 1999
In this issue our writers, who are practising scientists and Christians, discuss in the light of their faith the areas of physics, biochemistry, evolutionary psychology, ecology, anthropology and informational technology.
The teacher within us all August/September 1999
This double issue focusses on the role of teaching in Church and society. It addresses itself not just to an audience of specialist teachers but to every disciple of Christ who is called to teach.
Open issue July 1999
Why is thinking, study and the exercise of the intellect, so important for the health of the Catholic Church?
The parish of the future June 1999
This issue examines parish life and structures as we face the challenges of the next ten years.
Rich world, poor world May 1999
An examination of the biblical vision behind the commitment to justice and peace, the social teaching which the Church has developed to implement it and the present state of global inequality.
Can we make sense of the Trinity? April 1999
This issue shows how the experience of the Trinity can be found in private prayer, in the liturgy and in our daily lives.
Suffering: Why me, Lord? March 1999
This issue prepares us for Easter by giving us a deeper appreciation of the role of suffering in the Christian life.
New Movements and the Church February 1999
In this issue we look at the new movements from the perspective of a leader, and from the perspective of the wider Church as well as of a parishioner. Our authors see the challenge and great hope the EMNC's present for our parishes.
Christian Unity: What should we apologise for? January 1999
In this ecumenical issue some of the issues which have often been associated with the Catholic Church's intolerance in the service of the truth are examined.
1999: The Year of God the Father December 1998
This issue presents what the scriptures and traditions have taught about God the Father. It suggests how the patriarchal stereotypes which continue to do so much damage might be challenged by Jesus' revelation about his Father.
Facing death with hope November 1998
One of the principal duties of the Church today is to discover new and old ways to offer help in overcoming the ignorance and fear, which have always made us recoil at the thought of that final letting go which lies at the heart of death.
'I believe, help my unbelief' October 1998
If Christians neglect to respond to the different demands of faith our church life will wither. The October issue discusses the mystery and meaning of faith.
Young and old people together August/September 1998
This issue focusses on the relationship between the old and the young in society and in the Church today, and discusses the many barriers that have been erected between the old and the young this century.
Open issue July 1998
No specific topic for this issue, rather a collection of articles ranging from the relationship between sex, desire and Christian vocations, to the reaction of the public to Diana's death.
'What are they saying about the Sacraments?' June 1998
The sacraments are signs of Christ's presence among us. What matters above all is not the forms themselves but the actions of the divine which they reveal.
'Business and Christianity' May 1998
We try to bridge the gap between what is preached in the pulpit and what is practiced on the shop floor.
'Growth in the Spirit' April 1998
Our real journey in life is interior...a surrender to the creative action of love and grace.
'Preparing for Holy week' March 1998
Making time for God in the most important week in the Church's year.
'Consuming Passions' February 1998
Consumerism examined from many angles.
'Catholics and Evangelicals' January 1998
Catholics can learn from evangelicals.
'The Incarnation - what does it mean?' December 1997
We try to draw out the implications of the Incarnation for our lives today.
'Sex, science and playing God' November 1997
Life can be enhanced, but also seriously threatened, by new technologies in clinical practice and biological research.
'Watch your language about God' October 1997
The language of 'our' popular and professional cultures has a profound influence on the way we talk of God.
'Authority and Power in the Church' August / September 1997
The way the Church excercises power is an important witness to the freedom from slavery which Christ has won for us.
Open Issue July 1997
No specific topic for this issue, rather a collection of articles from a diverse range of contributors.
'What makes a Parish Work?' June 1997
We focus directly on the different ways in which the parish can adapt to our changing times.
'Seek Justice' May 1997
We look at the tradition of teaching about justice stretching from the Ten Commandments to the present.
'Jesus Saves' April 1997
Jesus Christ the one Saviour of the world. We look at the way scripture and tradition have understood the saving work of Christ.
'Lord, Teach us to Pray' March 1997
Prayer is not a thing you do, but the way you are.
'Faith in the Home' February 1997
We look at the particular dynamic of lay spirituality.
'The Spiritual Bond between Jew and Christian' January 1997
How are things between Jews and Christians today?
'Year 2000: Preparing for the Millennium' December 1996
We explain the biblical ideas behind the jubilee and offer practical suggestions to parishes on preparing to celebrate the Great Jubilee.
'Crime and Punishment' November 1996
How do Christians deal with the many questions that arise when discussing crime and punishment?
'Mission to all Nations?' October 1996
Only when we have inculturated the Catholic faith in all the nations will our God be fully worshipped in all the richness and diversity of his creation.
'What does it mean to be a Roman Catholic today?' August/September 1996
Vatican II showed us that to be Catholic does not demand a slavish uniformity.
'Faith and Culture' July 1996
We look at the world-wide challenge posed by the inculturation of our faith.
'Forming Priests for today'June 1996
The model of priesthood which is needed for today is one that will fit in with an understanding of the Church as communion.
'The Holy Spirit: Giver of Life'April 1996
How can the world receive the life-giving Spirit of God when it is so unresponsive? St Luke shows us that the Spirit which anoints Jesus at his baptism also anoints the Church at Pentecost with wind and fire.
'Putting Life into the Liturgy'December 1995
If we are to celebrate liturgy that expresses our Christian faith in truth and beauty then we need to give time for the work of preparation.
'Life and Death Matters'November 1995
Evangelium Vitae raises many challenges to our society. Christians must draw on their long moral tradition to show how false the reasoning is behind the utilitarian theories which lead often to a culture of death.
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