April, 1999 VOLUME 13 NUMBER 4
A God worth believing in
The Editor
Prayer in the Trinity
Ruth Burrows
'For my shield this day a mighty power'
Robert Imbelli
The Trinity is the central mystery of our faith and so it is sad that many give up in despair at the thought of preaching or teaching about it. Robert Imbelli, a priest of the archdiocese of New York, who teaches systematic theology at Boston College, suggests some ways in which we may appreciate that this mystery 'is not that which lacks intelligibility, but that whose luminous intelligibility is inexhaustible'.
The Trinity and the liturgy
Owen Cummings
In a sound Christianity theology and liturgy and spirituality should be closely linked together. Owen Cummings, who is a permanent deacon of the diocese of Salt Lake City, and Professor of Systematic Theology at Mount Angel Seminary, the seminary for the diocese of the Pacific North West, shows how we may encounter the Trinity in the liturgy: 'The primary form of this relationship with God is our worship, in which we are brought to God the Father, through his Son and his Spirit'.
What makes for a Holy Trinity parish?
Michael Evans
How do we keep the academic and the pastoral together? Michael Evans taught theology in the seminary and now he is parish priest of St Augustine's in Tunbridge Wells. Here he describes some of the ways 'our parish life, worship, and mission should be renewed in the image and likeness of the Triune God'.
Education for a Catholic identity
Philip T. Sumner
Our belief in the Trinity has some very practical implications. Here Philip Sumner, who is a parish priest working with the inner-city team parish of Our Lady, St Wilfrid's and St Lawrence's in Mancester and is also Chairman of the National Conference of Priests of England and Wales, suggests how the Church should give to all schoolchildren a sense of their true value, since they are created in the image of God.
Is God kind to animals
Margaret Atkins
In this review article Margaret Atkins, columnist for the Independent and lecturer in theology at Trinity and All Saints College, Leeds, examines the recent book Animals on the Agenda (edited by Andrew Linzey and Dorothy Yamomoto, SCM, 1998) which asks theological questions about the role of animals in God's creation. She concludes that 'animals have only recently become the focus of theological discussion and the debate has a long way to go'.
Preaching and teaching the Word
Gary Lysaght
Gary Lysaght, priest of the Southwark archdiocese and moral theologian, reflects on the lectionary readings for the Sundays and Solemnities of May.
Book reviews
Postscript: Bishops united
Eamon Duffy
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