By love we are renewed
The Editor
'Born anew to a living hope'
Robert P. Imbelli
The New Testament shows us how the resurrection was a new dawn, a new beginning, a new creation. Robert Imbelli, a priest of the archdiocese of New York, teaches systematic theology at Boston College. He describes how that renewal takes place through hope for reconciliation for material creation and for final transformation.
The Victory of the resurrection
Francis Selman
'It is strange that as far as this life is concerned many people want to think that we are only bodies but when it comes to the next we are only souls or spirits', writes Francis Selman, a priest of the diocese of East Anglia and a lecturer in philosophy at Allen Hall, London. Here he draws on the teaching of Aquinas to explain the implications of the victory won by Christ at the resurrection.
A resurrection spirituality
Brian V. Johnstone CSSR
How can we make the resurrection a source of help and renewal in our lives? Brian V. Johnstone, who is professor of moral theology at the Alfonsiana Academy in Rome, suggests that we must develop a spirituality of the resurrection, when 'through the power of Jesus risen, coming to us through those we have loved, we experience a rising of ourselves, a liberating joyfulness, which is a participation in the rising of the Lord'.
Priests renewing people
Janine Nahapiet
Parishioners look to their priest for some inspiration: it is not always forthcoming. Janine Nahapiet, a Fellow in Strategic Management, Templeton College, Oxford, chairs the Parish Forum of St Teresa's, Beaconsfield. Here she describes some of the ways in which a priest, as teacher, pastor and partner, can renew the laity.
People renewing priests
Roderick Strange
When should priests retire
Walter JorÍt
Should a priest ever retire, or should he die 'in harness'? Walter JorÍt, a priest of the archdiocese of Birmingham, retired after forty-one years of service. Here he draws on his own experience to argue for the advantages of a sensible policy for retirement for priests and people alike.
The perfect product
The following letter was sent in by one of our readers who had received it from a nephew in Australia, where it had appeared in the parish bulletin. It may describe just what our readers have been waiting for.
Preaching and Teaching the Word
Thomas O'Loughlin
Dr Thomas O'Loughlin teaches at the University of Wales, Lampeter, and is author of a recent book of St Patrick (SPCK 1999). Here he offers reflections of the lectionary reading for the Sundays of May.
Paddy Lane
Paddy Lane, the Director of the Retreat Association whose logo appears on the left, offers a guide through the complexities of the contemporary Christian retreats scene, where there are retreats designed for all tastes and spiritual needs.
Book reviews
Women Saints: lives of faith and courage by Kathleen Jones
London: Burns and Oates, 1999, £12.54
Vicars of Christ: popes, power and politics in the Modern World by Michael P. Riccards
Crossroad Publishing Company, 1998, £18.99
The Word Has Been Abroad: a guide through Balthasar's Aesthetics, by Aidan Nichols
T & T Clark, 1998, £14.95
Postscript:'Whoever exalts himself...'
Michael Phelan
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