Vol. 11 No.12 DECEMBER 1997
Editorial - We saw his glory
The Editor
The perfect gift
Tina Beattie
Celebrating the Word made flesh
Eamonn Mulcahy C.S.Sp
Each Sunday in the Creed we confess 'the Word was made flesh'. But what does this mean? Eamonn Mulcahy, who is a Spiritan priest teaching systematic theology at the Missionary Institute, London, reflects on the teaching of the Incarnation and draws out some of the lessons for our daily lives which we can learn from this central christian doctrine.
Incarnation stories
Candace Galik
Candace Galik, a Roman Catholic convert from an Orthodox Jewish background, and a journalist by profession, lives in Newfield, New York. Here she reflects on the lives of those she meets on her visits to Loaves and Fishes. 'Everything, I often forget, has been transformed since the Incarnation. I need to see many lives if I am to remember the life who changed ours'.
A vision of the family
Peter J Elliot
How do we deal with what seems in Western society to be a loss of faith in the family? Mgr Peter Elliot, who has just completed ten years of service in the Pontifical Council for the Family in Rome and is now returning to Australia, suggests some ways in which we may recover the incarnational vision of the family.
The signs and symbols of Christmas
Joanna Bogle
Amidst all the commercialisation of Christmas, how can we maintain its Christian meaning? Joanna Bogle, author of A Book of Feast and Seasons offers several practical ways in which the true significance of the Christmas season can be celebrated in our homes and parishes.
The Church in England today
Adrian Hastings
As the year in which we celebrated the anniverary of St Augustine's mission to these shores comes to a close, what are the main challenges which face his successors today? Adrian Hastings, church historian and until recently professor of theology at Leeds University, casts a critical eye at the present situation and calls for a more imaginative Christian witness to be given to 'our confused, often sick, and yet highly intellectualised culture.'
Logo for Jubilee 2000
Preaching and teaching the word
David Manson
David Manson, a priest of the diocese of Brentwood and Administrator of the Cathedral, offers some liturgical reflections on the lectionary readings for the Sundays and solemnities of January.
Book reviews
Postscript: Advent vs Christmas
Bruce Harbert
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