Justice for creation
The Assistant Editor
Closer to God in a garden
Sir Ghillean Prance
The image of God: delegated and responsible authority
Robert Murray SJ
Robert Murray, senior research fellow at Heythrop College, University of London, and author of the Cosmic Covenant (London, 1992), explores the Syrian Fathers' reading of certain crucial texts of Genesis, and finds valuable ecological teaching for the whole Church today.
The Bible: salvation or creation history?
Celine Mangan OP
Sr Celine Mangan teaches scripture at the Milltown Institute, Dublin. Here she explores various strands of biblical interpretation and suggests that a 'creation-theology approach to the Bible emphasises the view that humankind is within the circle of nature...not above it or apart from it'.
Mastery or mystery? The Orthodox view of nature
Paul McPartlan
Paul McPartlan is a priest of the Westminster archdiocese and lecturer in systematic theology at Heythrop College, University of London. He has written on Catholic-Orthodox dialogue and here offers an Orthodox Christian view on nature - and on mankind's place as priest of God's creation.
Redeeming the city
Mike Monaghan
'The problem of ecology... touches everyone and thus no one can be indifferent to it.' More people today than when John Paul II said these words in 1980 are taking seriously the issues of ecological sustainability. What can the Churches do? Mike Monaghan, who has worked extensively on environmental concerns in big business, and Sr Ancilla Dent, who helps to run an organic monastic farm in Kent, offer suggestions and models for people and churches in all situations to respond to the demands for environmental stewardship.
Saving the land
Ancilla Dent OSB
Through a presbytery window
Preaching and Teaching the Word
Gerard Flynn
Gerard Flynn is a newly ordained priest of the diocese of Portsmouth based in the parish of Christ the King, Reading. Here he offers some reflections on the lectionary readings for the Sundays of March.
Resources for ecological action
Deborah Jones
'The theory is fine, we're all convinced - but what can we actually do?' This would not be an unusual response to a reasoned discussion of environmental issues. While it is obviously good to take bottles to the bottle-bank and papers to the waste recyclers, there needs to be a more radical and thoroughgoing change of lifestyles, and support form others to keep one on the right path! What is offered here are some resources for parishes and individuals to embark, or continue, on ecologically sound projects.
Old Testament chronicle
Bernard Robinson
Bernard Robinson, who until his recent retirement taught scripture at Ushaw College, Durham, comments on another batch of recent books on the Old Testament.
Postscript:Mrs Bennett
Brian Green
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