Vol. 11 No. 2 FEBRUARY 1997
A spirituality for the majority
Deborah Jones
The need for domestic rituals
Andrew D. Ciferni O. Praem.
In many ways our rituals at home determine the way we celebrate our faith in church. Andrew D.Ciferini, who is currently Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Word and Worship at Washington Theological Union in Washington DC, shows us how 'the shape and health of church life is to a large extent determined by the decisions of families'.
The challenge of lay sprituality
Donna Orsuto
House-based religion
Michael H. Crosby OFM Cap
Until recently the Church provided many rituals for strengthening family unity. Many of these have disappeared. Michael Crosby is an American Capuchin Franciscan who works in the area of contemporary spirituality and socially responsible investing. Here he examines chapter 18 of Matthew's Gospel and finds guidelines there which can be used today for the basis of a contemparary 'recipe for peace' within the family.
Supporting the family
Mary Corbett
In the face of rapid changes in our society the Churches have probably not done enough to rethink pastoral approaches which may help families survive. Mary Corbett, who is the chief executive of Marriage Care, a relationship counselling service based in London, offers some suggestions as to how a parish community may reach out to help families.
Prayer in the home
Elizabeth Greeley
We often take for granted our ability to worship at church. Elizabeth Greeley suffers from cerebal palsy and has recently written a book* that describes how she has coped with this disability. Here she writes about her need for prayer, especially when she is unable to be with her parish community at church.
*The Unclear Path: life beyond disability. London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1996.
St John: Transforming the tradition
Thomas Brodie OP
Thomas Brodie, an Irish Dominican who has recently published two books, The Gospel According to John (OUP,1993),and The Quest for the Origin of John's Gospel (OUP 1993), presents the second of two articles (part 1 in January issue) in which he shows how John used the other Gospels 'for a specific purpose - to clarify the map of the spirit, the way in which, under Christ, the spirit develops'.
Preaching and teaching the Word
Peter Cornwell
Peter Cornwell, who is chaplain at Prior Park College, Bath, offers some reflections on the lectionary readings for the Sundays of March and also for Holy Week.
Old Testament Chronicle
Bernard Robinson
Bernard Robinson, who teaches scripture at Ushaw College, Durham, comments on a few Old Testament books likely to interest the non-specialist that have appeared since his last survey a year ago.
Postscript: Hypocrites
Brian Green
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