Super Catholics in the parish?
The Assistant Editor
A Roman window on the lay movements
Rosemary Goldie
Rosemary Goldie has been one of the few female members of the Roman Curia, having been Undersecretary of the Council on the Laity. Her recent book From a Roman window offers a panorama of lay participation in the Church. Here she gives us a history of the lay life from apostolate to ecclesial movements.
A witness in St Peter's Square
Charles Whitehead
What was it like to be at the Pentecost meeting? Charles Whitehead, Chairman of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal, gives us a firsthand report of 'an unprecedented event' and of the new movements which 'are a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church'.
Communion or chaos
Donna Orsuto
Donna Orsuto teaches in the Institute of Spirituality at the Gregorian University in Rome, and is the director of the Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas and the Vincent Palloti Institute. She examines some of the tensions around the new movements and reminds us that 'In a world which daily becomes more secular and where many find the Christian message irrelevant, inner squabbles have no place.'
The challenges of the movements
Peter Hocken
A variety of gifts... a diversity of movements
Kathie Walsh
What are the similarities and differences between the new movements? Kathie Walsh, has worked for the Home Office-backed INFORM (Information Network Focus on Religious Movements), describes many of the new movements and concludes: 'NO EMNC has the whole truth, none holds the key to Roman Catholicism, none adds to the deposit of faith. Many, however, are set to be major contributors to the rich diversity of the Church.'
Who may preach?
W. Becket Soule OP
Preach always, says St Francis, and if necessary use words. Lay preaching, and who gives the homily, is a contentious issue. Becket Soule, A Dominican who teaches at Blackfriars, Oxford, discusses the Law and the reasons behind the law. We should remember that 'Preaching during Mass is not the only way in which the ministry of God's Word is exercised'.
Sion Catholic Community
Michelle Moran
How do people get involved with new communities? What is life in them like? Michelle Moran, who is Director of Training for the Sion Catholic Community for Evangelisation and author of Pass It On! and of Crossing the Line, writes about the beginnings and growth of Sion and its work with parishes.
Preaching and teaching the Word
Gemma Simmonds IBVM
Gemma Simmonds, who is a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offers some reflections on the lectionary for the Sundays and Solemnities of March.
Book reviews
Old Testament chronicle
Bernard Robinson
Bernard Robinson, who until his recent retirement taught scripture at Ushaw College, Durham, comments on a few Old Testament books likely to interest the non-specialist that have appeared since his last survey, a year ago.
Book reviews
Postscript: Screwtape revisited
Brian Green
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