Vol. 11 No. 5 MAY 1997
Not doing what comes naturally
The Editor
A biblical vision of justice
Ched Myers
So often the Old Testament and the New Testament are kept apart so that we are deprived of a full understanding of justice in the Bible. Ched Myers, who is author of the brilliant commentary on Mark's Gospel Binding the Strong Man (Orbis, 1988), here takes four basic narrative trajectories in the Hebrew scriptures and shows how these inform the practice of Jesus. He points to those choices that lie at the 'heart of a truly biblical theology of justice'.
Action on behalf of justice
Diarmuid Martin
There is always the danger that we will have too parochial a view of a justice which is concerned only with local events. Membership of the Catholic Church demands a global perspective on justice. Mgr Diarmuid Martin, who is Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, offers here a scenario of justice in the world today as seen from his job.
Politics and enchantment
Tina Beattie
Fairness, justice and the common good
Roger Ruston
Roger Ruston, who taught moral theology for many years at Oxford and is author of A Say in the End of the World (Oxford University Press), examines the difference between fairness and justice and shows that if we are to counter some of the threats which face society in Britain today we need 'some vision of the common good'.
A useful and timely document
Rosemary Read
How has the statement, The Common Good, by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales been received? Rosemary Read, who is a mother of four childen and a full-time diocesan worker for Nottingham, describes how it has been used at grass-roots level. 'It is a useful and timely document which should help adult Christians, especially Catholics, in these islands to come to terms with their faith in the current political climate.'
St Mark: Facing conflict
Richard J.Taylor
This liturgical year we are reading the Gospel of Mark. Richard J. Taylor, a priest of the Salford diocese, is currently teaching scripture and ecumenism at the Angelicum University in Rome. Here he shows how being disciples of Jesus will always involve the conflicts that arise from fear, greed and guilt. Mark's Gospel teaches us that discipleship involves facing up to those forces as Jesus did, for his way of the cross is the only one that brings peace.
Preaching and teaching the word
Tony Philpot
Mgr Tony Philpot, parish priest of St Mark's Ipswich, offers some reflections on the lectionary readings for the Sundays of June.
Book reviews
Postscript: Symbol or thimble?
Bruce Harbert
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