Vol. 11 No.11 NOVEMBER
Editorial - The demands of God's mercy
The Editor
Catholic bioethics in a secularist society
Luke Gormally
Presenting the pro-life message
Helen Alvare
Helen Alvare is the national spokeswoman on abortion for the United States Catholic Conference. She has extensive experience with the media's resistance to the pro-life message, and explains in this article that under attack, 'who you are as a communicator' is as important as the message.
Formation in chastity
Bartholomew Kiely SJ
The trivialisation of sexuality leads to contempt for new life. In this situation Bartholomew Kiely, who is Director of the Institute of Psychology at the Gregorian University, Rome, argues for the need for formation in chastity for 'Chastity is necessary in the life of the human person as the amnimal made in the image and likeness of God, the eternal animal.'
The reproductive revolution
Jaqueline Anne Laing
What is wrong with the new reproductive technologies? Jaqueline Anne Laing, who is a barrister of the High Court of Australia and co-editor and contributor to Human Lives, describes the perils inherent in the modern reproductive revolution and then places them in the context of the Church's consistent teaching. 'It remains for both religious and the faithful to have the courage to proclaim these truths to the world on pain of ridicule or ostracism.'
Called to be people of life
Peter D McGuire
How can we get across to people the teaching of the Church? Peter McGuire, who is parish priest at the Immaculate Conception, Spinkhill in Derbyshire, suggests how this may be done. 'We priests do both the Church and the people a disservice if we do not help to spread the knowledge of important teachings on the moral and ethical issues of the day.'
In the Catholic tradition: Dorothy Day
Stephen Wang
Dorothy Day was one of the outstanding women of this century. Here Stephen Wang, who has just completed his studies for the priesthood at the English College in Rome, describes her life and the formation of the Catholic Worker Movement. This year on 8 November we celebrate the centenary of her birth.
Preaching and teaching the word
Janet Lash
Janet Lash, who has much teaching experience in adult religious education, offers some reflections on the lectionary readings for the Sundays and Solemnities of December.
Book reviews
Postscript: An excess of spirituality?
Eamon Duffy
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