Vol.12 No. 10 1998
The doubt and certainty of faith
The Editor
Faith, reason and the meaning of life
John Haldane
The obedience of faith
Henry Wansbrough OSB
How is faith understood in the scriptures? Henry Wansbrough, master of St Benet's Hall and member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, looks at the Hebrew backround of faith and then shows how Jesus becomes not only the object of faith but also the model. 'For Paul, then, faith is a matter of listening, for which Christ's obedient listening is the model.'
Unity and variety
Kevin Nichols
Faith is a word with many meanings. Mgr Kevin Nichols, who until recently was director of the Religious Education Centre in Newcastle, and is author of Refracting the Light (Veritas 1997), looks at the way faith has been understood in the tradition and offers some ways in which we can 'fortify our assent'.
Convert me, O Lord
Mary Morrissey
Mary Morrissey, who has just completed a doctorate at Cambridge, offers a meditation on the loss and recovery of faith.
Bringing people to faith in the parish
Anna Maria Dupelycz
October is the time when many people seeking God begin their journey of faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Here Anna Maria Dupelycz, who organises the RCIA in her parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Hayes, Middlesex, shares her experience of the different ways people come to faith.
The testing of faith
Dermot Power
What can we do when we face a crisis of faith? Dermot Power, spiritual director of the Allen Hall seminary in London and author of a recent book on priesthood, suggests that 'we need to recapture what the tradition of the dark night offers us as a compass and as a wisdom'.
Journey in faith
Denys Lloyd
Having faith means inevitably being tested. Denys Lloyd, parish priest of Our Lady, Stowmarket, in Suffolk, describes the different challenges which face Catholics when they decide to plunge a little deeper into their faith.
In the Catholic tradition- Simone Weil (1909-1943): Patron Saint of Outsiders
Martin Boland
One of the three most important influences on the thinking of Paul VI, Simon Weil was French, Jewish and both a thinker and a mystic. Here Martin Boland, a priest of the diocese of Brentwood, who is curate of SS Peter and Paul, Ilford, argues that we should take her seriously for she was one of the most influential figures of our century and a woman touched by God.
Preaching and teaching the Word
Martin McLaughlin OSB
Martin McLaughlin, a Benedictine monk of Prinknash Abbey who studied at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem offers these reflections on the lectionary readings for the Sundays of November.
Book reviews
Postscript: Debate in the Church
Edmund Hill OP
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