Vol. 10 No. 10 OCTOBER 1996
'Proclaim the Gospel to All Creation'
The Editor
Making Sense of Mission Today
Raphel Esteban WF
Fr. Raphael Esteban, who is a Spanish White Father and teaches missiology at the Missionary Institute, London, traces the changes in the perception of mission from that which takes the gospel to pagans, to that in which it becomes a 'two-way challenge to conversion'.
What Good News for the World?
Jean-Jacques Pérènnes OP
We are called to evangelise all nations, but in what way is the gospel good news for the millions who live in misery? Jesus offered healing and consolation. What do we offer? Jean-Jacques Pérènnes is a French Dominican based in Rome who is responsible for co-ordinating the work of his order for justice and peace. Here he offers three ways in which the Church may make her mission good news.
What Makes a Missionary?
Alice Keenleyside MHM
Missionaries are at work all over the world, but what attitudes are needed to make the work effective? Alice Keenleyside, whose home is in the Falklands, has spent many years as a lay missionary. She emphasises two necessary attitudes and draws on her most recent experience in Pakistan to illustrate them.
May We Ever Break the Law?
Maurice B. Walsh SJ
Maurice Walsh, a Jesuit canon lawyer based in Jamaica, has a very wide experience of teaching canon law in both the USA and the Caribbean. Here he shows how, in mission territories, there are many occasions when the letter of the law cannot be applied rigorously 'and so must give way to that higher law of charity'.
Mission to Catholics Who Have Left the Church
William McKee CSSR
In the Catholic Tradition: St Teresa of Avila
Bishop Rowan Williams
St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) Mystic and Doctor of the Church. Teresa shows us that contemplation and theology must go together. Here Rowan Williams, who is Bishop of Monmouth and also the author of a book on St Teresa, gives an account of her life and teaching. 'Teresa's whole life and the witness of her communities of frindship and simplicity is a lived theology, and a theology of incarnation. We keep the feast of St Teresa on October 15th.
Preacing and Teaching the Word
Mary Mills
Mary Mills, who teaches at St Mary's University College, Twickenham, gives a commentary on the lectionary readings for the Sundays and Solemnities of November.
Talk Back
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Review Article: Viva Liberation Theology!
David McLoughlin
Twenty years ago liberation theology was a new factor in the mission of the Church. What is the situation today? David McLoughlin, a priest of the Archdiocese of Bimingham and professor of theology at Oscott College, offers a review article of some recent writing in this area. 'Liberation theology is alive ... it continues to provike Christian reflection leading to action for change.'
Book Reviews
Postscript: 'I Didn't See You at Mass Last Sunday'
Maureen Lynch
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